Sangele este VIATA

The campaign started in 2012 with two main objectives: supporting the endowment of Bucharest Blood Transfusion Center with European standards medical equipment necessary for blood collection and preservation.

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29,325 RON

Blood is Life is supporting the endowment of Bucharest Blood Transfusion Center with European standards medical equipmentnecessary for blood collection and preservation. This center provides blood and blood componets to all 50 hospitals in Bucharest and for any emergency situations across the country. The number of blood donors in very small in Romania, that's why performant equipments is a pressing need.

Blood is Life is also about informing the general public about the need for blood donations, voluntary and unpaid involvement, with positive impact in increasing the number of blood donors in Romania.

Since the programme started in 2012 we achieved to deliver several hemomixers, refrigerators for blood and substances extracted from blood, platelet agitator, medical furniture and other devices.

But the amount to ensure the minimum equipments is over 200 000 euro.

Every donation can make a difference!


Campania "Sangele este VIATA" este o campanie a Fundatiei Star Storage care a fost lansata de catre compania Star Storage in luna decembrie 2012. Aceasta campanie a fost preluata de catre Fundatia Star Storage, in luna mai 2013 cand a fost infiintata aceasta.

Prin desfasurarea Campaniei "Sangele este VIATA", Fundatia Star Storage si-a propus urmatoarele obiective:

Dotarea Centrelor de Transfuzie Sanguina cu echipamente la standarde europene;

Informarea publicului larg referitor la necesitatea implicarii in donarea de sange benevola, voluntara si neremunerata cu impact pozitiv in cresterea numarului donatorilor de sange in Romania.

In luna februarie 2013 Star Storage a achizitionat si donat Centrului de Transfuzie Sanguina Bucuresti urmatoarele echipamente, indispensabile pentru colectarea si pastrarea in conditii optime a sangelui:

- Banca de sange - un echipament profesional de refrigerare pentru 336 pungi de sange;
- Un echipament profesional de refrigerare pentru reactivi cu o capacitate de 500 litri;
- 6 hemomixere.

Poze cu echipamentele donate aici:

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